史黛西贾菲Gropack, PT博士FASAHP 卫生技术学院院长和管理 联系信息: 助理:茉莉花摩尔 |
史黛西贾菲Gropack现任院长卫生技术和管理。在石溪之前,她是卫生职业学院院长刘布鲁克林。在她被任命为院长刘布鲁克林,她担任卫生专业和护理学院院长刘邮报》和卫生职业学院副院长刘布鲁克林。她是一个在物理治疗学系终身教授刘布鲁克林和刘社区的成员已经超过30年了。她从纽约大学拥有博士学位在高等教育和管理。科学理学学士和硕士学位被授予由长岛大学物理治疗。她的主要临床经验在小儿物理治疗,她提供了物理治疗服务和咨询与发展迟缓儿童。她是一位在学校联合医疗行业协会(ASAHP),并被任命为ASAHP代表Interprofessional教育协作(IPEC);创建一个国家组织推进实质性interprofessional学习经验为增强团队帮助准备未来的卫生专业人员照顾病人和改善人口健康状况。半岛体育综合平台软件她目前的研究兴趣包括创新半岛体育官方app苹果下载教学方法,interprofessional教育和实践,学生接触,使用技术和干预对自闭症儿童。 She has been invited to speak on these topics nationally. She has taught courses related to the psycho-social issues and education in physical therapy, as well as introductory courses in the health sciences. As an administrator in higher education she has maintained oversight of over 20 different health professional programs, including one doctoral program. She had led the charge for LIU in interprofessional education, participated in accreditation on the program and University levels, and has created faculty development programs. Her passion is to create and maintain a diverse student-centered environment for learning that encompass all aspects of the University and School’s mission and values, and assures quality education for all students. Dr. Gropack resides in Merrick, LI with her daughter Sydney.