代表出版物: |
Moeller, s . J。吉尔,R。温斯坦,J·J。Baumvoll, T。Wengler K。法伦,N。,范Snellenberg, j . X。、Abeykoon年代。珀尔曼,G。威廉姆斯,J。马努,L。Slifstein, M。卡西迪,c . M。马丁内斯,d . M。,&Abi-Dargham, A. (2022). Deep rTMS of the insula and prefrontal cortex in smokers with schizophrenia: proof-of-concept study.精神分裂症、8 (1)6。PMCID: PMC8881463。
Maracic, c, E。,&Moeller, s . J。(2021)。受损的神经和行为相关的洞察力和物质使用障碍的自我意识。当前的行为神经科学报道,8 (4),113 - 123。PMCID: PMC9374000。
Moeller, s . J。汉利,a D。,&Garland, E. L. (2020). Behavioral preference for viewing drug versus pleasant images predicts current and future opioid misuse among chronic pain patients.心理医学、50 (4),644 - 652。PMCID: PMC7413318。
Moeller, s . J。茶室,P。Bachi, K。Maloney, T。malak, P。Parvaz, m。Alia-Klein, N。、伦敦、e D。,&Goldstein, R. Z. (2020). Self-awareness of problematic drug use: a new fMRI task to assess underlying neurocircuitry.药物和酒精依赖,209年,107930年。PMCID: PMC7170015。
Moeller, s . J。、Zilverstand Z。Konova, a B。茶室,P。Parvaz, m。Preston-Campbell, R。Bachi, K。Alia-Klein, N。,&Goldstein, R. Z. (2018). Neural correlates of drug-biased choice in currently-using and abstinent individuals with cocaine use disorder.生物精神病学:认知神经科学和神经影像,3 (5),485 - 494。PMCID: PMC5944613。
Moeller, s . J。Okita, K。罗伯逊,c . L。巴拉德,m E。约翰逊,M。Konova, a B。戈尔茨坦,r . Z。Mandelkern, m。,&London E. D. (2018). Low striatal dopamine D2-type receptor availability is linked to simulated drug choice in methamphetamine users.神经精神药理学,43 (4),751 - 760。PMCID: PMC5809782。
Moeller,美国J。&保卢斯m p (2018)。对人类大脑上瘾的生物标志物:用神经影像预测复发和持续禁欲物质使用障碍。的进展神经精神药理学和生物精神病学,80 B (Pt),143 - 154。PMCID: PMC5603350。
Moeller, s . J。弗莱明,s M。氮化镓,G。Zilverstand,。malak, P。d'Oleire Uquillas, F., Schneider, K. E., Preston-Campbell, R., Parvaz, M. A. Maloney, T., Alia-Klein, N., & Goldstein, R. Z. (2016). Metacognitive impairment in cocaine dependence is associated with individual differences in brain structure.欧洲神经精神药理学、26日(4),653 - 662。PMCID: PMC4805109。
Moeller, s . J。&戈尔茨坦,r . z (2014)。受损的自我意识在人类成瘾:缺乏个人归因的相关性。认知科学趋势,18 (12),635 - 641。PMCID: PMC4254155。
Moeller, s . J。Konova, a B。Parvaz, m。预,D。巷,r D。堡,C。,&Goldstein, R. Z. (2014). Functional, structural, and emotional correlates of impaired insight in cocaine addiction.JAMA精神病学,71 (1),61 - 70。PMCID: PMC4193926。
Moeller, s . J。Hajcak, G。Parvaz, m。邓宁,j . P。Volkow: D。,&Goldstein, R. Z. (2012). Psychophysiological prediction of choice: relevance to insight and drug addiction.大脑,135 (Pt 11),3481 - 3494。PMCID: PMC3501972。
Moeller,年代。J。预,D。Woicik, p。Maloney, T。Alia-Klein, N。Honorio, J。Telang F。、王G.-J。王,R。Sinha, R。Carise D。Astone-Twerell, J。博尔格,J。Volkow: D。,& Goldstein, R. Z. (2012). Enhanced midbrain response at 6-month follow-up in cocaine addiction, association with reduced drug-related choice.成瘾生物学、17 (6),1013 - 1025。PMCID: PMC3394885。
Moeller年代。J。,马宏升T。,Parvaz m·A。Alia-Klein N。Woicik p。,Telang F。,王G-J。Volkow n D。,&Goldstein R. Z. (2010). Impaired insight in cocaine addiction: Laboratory evidence and effects on cocaine-seeking behavior.大脑,133 (5),1484 - 1493。PMCID: PMC2912695。
Moeller,年代。J。Maloney, T。Parvaz, m。邓宁,j . P。Alia-Klein, N。Woicik, p。Hajcak, G。Telang F。、王G.-J。Volkow: D。,&Goldstein, R. Z. (2009). Enhanced choice for viewing cocaine pictures in cocaine addiction.生物精神病学,66 (2),169 - 176。PMCID: PMC2742172。